Okay so, as it turns out - doing a blog while you're in labour (or while your wife is in labour) is CRAZY easy. Lesson learned. Doing ANYTHING at all for the next 3 days? Harder!
I keep sitting up to type and going, "Oh god, fuck...damnit...I could be napping instead...why am I torturing myself?! Then someone visits. Then a nurse walks in. Then it's time to eat. Then it's time for him to eat. Then someone visits. Then a nurse walks in. Then it's time to eat. Then it's time for him to eat. And then...I just cry." This probably sounds familiar to every woman who has ever had a baby in a hospital. Tomorrow I am implementing a strict "20 minute visit" policy.
Yes, 20 minutes. I love you all but I need alone time or I'm going to dissolve into a pile of tears and blood or something.
I'm feeling better today after just getting some SLEEP and finally getting off the strong painkillers. Simon and I are taking feeds in shifts (mostly, I do ALL the breast feeds but he does half the formula top-ups which takes up 95% of the time anyway). Afterward, if I'm not falling asleep (very much 'if'), I will lie with Xander naked on my naked chest for a while. This makes both of us INSANELY happy. New favourite thing ever. Planning on spending full days like this if possible.
Today I was actually coherant enough to PREPARE myself for feeds. Water, a snack, the formula to top him up (taken out an hour beforehand (it's chilled) so it's room temperature), a towel (or blanket) or two, a fresh diaper, wipes and a fresh sheet. So far this is good, as it lets me feel more comfortable while I'm feeding him.
Looking forward to going home...if only so I can be in familiar surroundings and can start to move on from this place. The staff here are great but...home is home.
Time to feed him now, more later.
A Small Warning
While Simon and I are doing this to keep our friends/family/acquaintences in the know and so that we can remember the experience - we know that a great many people forget the insane emotions that go through them at a time like this. They remember joy, nervousness and excitement but tend to forget things like annoyance, anger and exhaustion. This is also a little bit of an experiment for us as well as (hopefully) a bit of reality for someone else out there who wants a bit of a real play-by-play of the emotional rollercoaster of childbirth and parenting. ...granted, I know that my experience is only one...but hey...still worth trying.
That said, not all of this blog is going to be happy and shiny. There will be some real, raw emotions here and we're going to express them pretty openly. We hope that this doesn't make anyone feel as if we're in any way unhappy about the birth of our son or that we're somehow not excited or don't love him. For us, this is the reality of things that people don't really talk about or express. I think that is extremely important to remember.
We may use foul language. ...you're warned.
That said, not all of this blog is going to be happy and shiny. There will be some real, raw emotions here and we're going to express them pretty openly. We hope that this doesn't make anyone feel as if we're in any way unhappy about the birth of our son or that we're somehow not excited or don't love him. For us, this is the reality of things that people don't really talk about or express. I think that is extremely important to remember.
We may use foul language. ...you're warned.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saturday 11:52 am
In the midst of a small window where I'm awake enough to compose coherent sentences of bananas and fish, I figured I should post something . . .
Xander spent most of the last few days here with us, with regular visits to the nicu for things like help with breastfeeding, help with breastfeeding, and help with breastfeeding (seeing a pattern yet?). He's been well behaved and quiet, but he's been having issues latching to the nipple properly, and Sandra's had some issues helping him to latch. That said he's been having regular feeds from the breast, and happily eating from the bottle.
Later, at 9:20pm
We were moved to the postnatal ward this afternoon, where Sandra's been getting more assistance with feeding Xander, and more assistance with him in general - the postnatal ward is set up to deal with new parents, in a way the antenatal war isn't. Sandra's having more success feeding him now, and he's been discharged so we're completely responsible for him. It's rather nice, and we're coping pretty well, now that Sandra's more confident with the feeding. We're also getting better at other aspects of this parenthood thing, like settling him and dressing him. I just changed his clothes and wrapped him, and when he didn't want to settle I used my finger as a dummy - after a few minutes he was sleeping happily and I could (carefully) pull my finger out.
Before that moment I couldn't imagine putting my finger in a baby's mouth, let alone use it as a dummy - I've always found sticky things icky, so the idea wouldn't have occurred to me. But it was totally natural and not icky at all.
So yeah, things are settling down and I think they're looking good for the future.
A couple of things that I'm currently thinking of: spending a while in hospital is a quick sharp lesson in basic hygiene - I've washed my hands more often and more thoroughly than ever before on my life, and I've been constantly bombarded by hygiene related messages and dictums. To go onto the nicu you have to take off all jewelery and was your hands and forearms; one time I was asked to wear a facemask because of my cold. Unfortunately, the constant hand washing has resulted in extremely dry skin on my hands - so dry it's cracking and bleeding. I'm goingg to have to use some of Sandra's udder cream to make them less painful.
On the other hand being here has been really valuable. Being able to find a midwife and get a fairly authoritative answer to any questions, and help dealing with any problems, is really great.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thursday 1:20 am
Almost too tired to post anything.
Alexander Henry Douglas Fowler was born at 23:08 on the 25th of August 2010, weighing 3740g and 40-something centimeters in length . . . And stuff. There's other stats about him, I'm sure, but I can't remember them. I'm sure they're written down somewhere.
Sandra's on morphine to deal with the caesarian pain, which seems to be harder to deal with than contractions. Possibly because of the nitrous, which seems to have been very effective.
Xander isn't with us because of the morphine Sandra got - it meant that he came out drugged, and had a little difficulty establishing breathing on his own. He was perfectly healthy otherwise, but the initial problems meant he had to go to a neonatal care unit for the night.
Unfortunately that meant Sandra hasn't been able to see him yet aside from right after he was pulled out, covered in blood and vernix. If he's okay in a few hours they may bring him down so she can see him - maybe even try feeding him.
So, I guess that means the labour part of the blog is done . . .
Wedmesday 10:53 pm
So, she's at 8cm dilation, but his head isn't fully past the brim of the pelvis (words from Ayesha - blame her for any errors ;-). So, they're doing a c-section. I'm waiting to be allowed in.
Wednesday 10:24 pm
I get to wear scrubs!
Sandra's in the or with Susie, I'm waiting outside to be called in. no idea what's happening aside from ghe gist of it.
Xander is fine, Susie reckons the cord is being constricted and that's what's causing the decelerations. I don't know what that means as far as c-section vs. vaginal vs. whatever, but I figure Susie knows . . .
All I can do o is wait.
wedenesday 10:11 pm
rushing to pack everything up so we can run down and steal an OR, from which Susie will examine Sandra and we'll decide where to go from there.
Any further posts will be from my phone, or done after everything's done and dusted. Bye for now!
Any further posts will be from my phone, or done after everything's done and dusted. Bye for now!
Wednesday 9:35 pm
So, the midwives called Susie, and they've stopped the syntocin and started prepping for a possible c-section - Susie is concerned about the decelerations during contractions, and they're considering the c-section in case that's a serious problem . . .
Basically, every time Sandra has a contraction Xander's heart rate drops drastically - from ~150-170 to ~80 or so. That, combined with how long it takes for him to recover after the contraction stops, makes it potentially problematic.
We'll know more when Susie gets in, but for now we're just keeping an eye on it . . .
Basically, every time Sandra has a contraction Xander's heart rate drops drastically - from ~150-170 to ~80 or so. That, combined with how long it takes for him to recover after the contraction stops, makes it potentially problematic.
We'll know more when Susie gets in, but for now we're just keeping an eye on it . . .
Wednesday 9:03 pm
Wewt! After the epidural and a big spike in the syntocin, Sandra just got an exam and she's at 6-7cm, and three fifths of the head in the pelvis! Not just progress, real, good strong progress!
We may well have a baby tonight!
We may well have a baby tonight!
Wednesday 5:14 pm
So, Sandra got the epidural and she's now happy in painless land.
The epidural was interesting, and rather quicker than I expected. It may have been helped by the fact Sandra was high on nitrous, though . . .
She's now happy, though the twin indignities of flatulence and a catheter are happening as I write this . . .
And in a nice bonus, we may not even have to pay for it!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Wednesday 3:41 pm
Well, Sandra's been back on nitrous for a few hours, since it's been far more effective than the morphine. Unfortunately she hasn't made any progress, so what they're talking about is giving her an epidural and upping the syntosin a whole lot more to try and get things moving . . .
The epidural is so that they can raise the syntosin to levels that would be unbearably painful otherwise. Not sure how I feel about that . . .
It doesn't help that Sandra is falling asleep between contractions, so she wakes up to them rather than being able to prepare - the nitrous takes a bit to kick in, so she really needs to start breathing it five or ten seconds before the contraction starts for it to be most effective. As it is it makes things bearable, but it would probably be more effective if she was awake to manage it better.
Wednesday 12:52 pm
Well, the nitrous is helping, but not enough at the moment, and she's not far enough along to have an epidural, so they're considering morphine.
Make that demanding morphine. Sandra, that is - the nursing staff demanding morphine would be a bit odd . . .
On top of that the ctg isn't registering her contractions, so we're going to have to time them manually. A lovely progression of events.
Wednesday 11:46 am
Sandra's started on the nitrous, and seems to be enjoying it . . . though I'm a little worried that she'll go a bit overboard and feel ill. In the antenatal classes the reckoned that was the biggest issue with people using nitrous, and that misuse was the reason people had bad experiences.
She's also had a foetal scalp monitor put in to track the baby's heart rate - they use a doppler mike normally, same as the little ones that midwives use and you can get pretty easily, but if they need to keep monitoring they'll use a more permanent option that directly measures heart rate via a probe that attaches to the baby's head. Since they're inducing her they need to keep her monitored, and she's dilated enough that they can get at his head.
She's not dilating all that fast, but at least the contractions are strong and coming at a good rate (good is four or less strong contractions in ten minutes). Though they seem to be coming a bit fast now - six in ten, so they may need to change things . . .
Probably another exam some time soonish, then discuss with Susie.
Wednesday 9:29 am
Bonnie's visiting, and they're busy trashing the whole birth thing. I'm not sure how else they expect to get rid of the parasites . . .
Maybe they don't consider a caesarian a me thod of giving birth?
Wednesday 9:06 am
There was a small issue with the line delivering the syntocin (yes, it's spelled that way, sorry to have gotten it wrong before, Sandra), but after replacing it everything's behaving. And now Sandra's started having strong contractions again! Yey!
Not that she'll agree that it's yey worthy . . .
Wednesday 8:50 am
By the way, she's apparently around 1cm dilation, and 80-90% effaced. Which Susie was quite happy with, so we're both happy with it. Or something.
Wednesday 8:06 am
So Sandra's being induced now - they've put in the iv line, and they're nearly ready to start running cyntocin through it. We had the tiniest of breakfasts (a bowl of cereal for Sandra and a couple of slices of cold dry white toast for me - they didn't have any butter, let alone vegemite, the bastards), some coffee, and now Sandra's gone nil-by-mouth . . .
She's changed her mind about the pain relief stuff - she's gone from wanting an epidural as a last resort to probably having one not too long after she hits 3cm dilation . . . Which is fine, but I'm a little uncomfortable with it, since the epidural is a fairly big thing . . . Also, very expensive! (yes, I know that's a bad thing to be thinking about at a time like this, but it's hard not to when you know it'll cost $1500)
Anyway, they're giving her iv antibiotics (using a nifteh spring loaded syringe) and once that's done the cyntocin.
Susie just showed up. Sandra likes to call her a tiny little ninja - I love that description.
She seems quite happy with everything, and reckons we could wait another 24 hours before inducing, but she figured Sandra would be too impatient for that . . . In any case, the whole thing seems to be going well.
Wednesday - 4:30am
I'm supposed to be asleep, really...but my sinuses hurt.
I was thinking today that there are a few things that pregnancy just fundamentally changes no matter who you are. For example...
Psamanthe will attest to the fact that I was the kind of girl who would be mortified if anyone saw my calves or my upper arms...much less any MORE of my skin. If I weren't so easily overheated, I'd probably greatly enjoy a burqa for its concealing properties.
I have spent the whole day not only without underwear on but with my ass merrily hanging out for all to see...and I totally don't care. If a random person walked in right now, I might make a half-assed attempt to cover my butt, but that would be about it.
There comes a certain point where wearing underwear (and having to change clothes ten times in a day) just isn't worth keeping that last tiny shred of modesty. I used to be pretty mortified at the idea of pelvic exams or my doctors having someone else in the room with them when they did them. Now I'm like, "Do we have any students who want a LOOKSEE?!" ...okay, but less creepy exhibitionist...
I've just given up any sense of decently apparently. From what I hear, this is common...it's just yet another of the things I couldn't have imagined happening to me until it happened.
Apparently most women in second stage labour just want to be completely, unashamedly naked. See, I still can't see myself there...but on the other hand, I won't be surprised if it happens...
I was thinking today that there are a few things that pregnancy just fundamentally changes no matter who you are. For example...
Psamanthe will attest to the fact that I was the kind of girl who would be mortified if anyone saw my calves or my upper arms...much less any MORE of my skin. If I weren't so easily overheated, I'd probably greatly enjoy a burqa for its concealing properties.
I have spent the whole day not only without underwear on but with my ass merrily hanging out for all to see...and I totally don't care. If a random person walked in right now, I might make a half-assed attempt to cover my butt, but that would be about it.
There comes a certain point where wearing underwear (and having to change clothes ten times in a day) just isn't worth keeping that last tiny shred of modesty. I used to be pretty mortified at the idea of pelvic exams or my doctors having someone else in the room with them when they did them. Now I'm like, "Do we have any students who want a LOOKSEE?!" ...okay, but less creepy exhibitionist...
I've just given up any sense of decently apparently. From what I hear, this is common...it's just yet another of the things I couldn't have imagined happening to me until it happened.
Apparently most women in second stage labour just want to be completely, unashamedly naked. See, I still can't see myself there...but on the other hand, I won't be surprised if it happens...
Wednesday - 3:11am
Woke up sort of randomly in that way you sometimes do. It's the middle of the night but you're RIGHT in between sleep cycles so you wake up feeling totally conscious and well rested (until the tired kicks in again ten minutes later) and thought I'd use it to assess how I feel and to check some emails and maybe post an update. ...sadly (or not, depending on your perspective), I'm not contracting anymore that I can feel (worth noting that I'm spending 99% of my time totally asleep so I may just not be waking up or noticing it. Kid is moving around merrily which is good. Movements feel rather low, too.
I'm not really overly concerned. If I'm not contracting now, it means that I'll just be nice and well rested for when they give me pitocin in a few hours (probably around 7 or 8am).
I'm actually really pleased with the morphine. All things considered, I don't feel that sluggish from it - or at least...not in the same way. It's not the same unrelenting exhaustion tired that you sometimes feel with sleeping pills. It's just the sort of dregs of a nice, relaxed (hey, I could totally nap) feeling. This is actually preferable.
Simon is sleeping well. I actually told him before I went to sleep that I might need his help in the middle of the night getting up to pee (because at the time everything was spinning so amazingly fast, wheeeee!) but by the time I woke up a couple of hours later I was MUCH more capable of walking in straight lines.
In other news, I appear to have finally caught Simon's cold which is just the best damned timing ever - and apparently the dental pain I've been having over the last week or two is probably caused by the relaxin making my teeth loose (it jumps from tooth to tooth, hurting every one in the right side of my jaw and sometimes just my gums). Okay. Things are getting spinny again, time for more sleep...
I'm not really overly concerned. If I'm not contracting now, it means that I'll just be nice and well rested for when they give me pitocin in a few hours (probably around 7 or 8am).
I'm actually really pleased with the morphine. All things considered, I don't feel that sluggish from it - or at least...not in the same way. It's not the same unrelenting exhaustion tired that you sometimes feel with sleeping pills. It's just the sort of dregs of a nice, relaxed (hey, I could totally nap) feeling. This is actually preferable.
Simon is sleeping well. I actually told him before I went to sleep that I might need his help in the middle of the night getting up to pee (because at the time everything was spinning so amazingly fast, wheeeee!) but by the time I woke up a couple of hours later I was MUCH more capable of walking in straight lines.
In other news, I appear to have finally caught Simon's cold which is just the best damned timing ever - and apparently the dental pain I've been having over the last week or two is probably caused by the relaxin making my teeth loose (it jumps from tooth to tooth, hurting every one in the right side of my jaw and sometimes just my gums). Okay. Things are getting spinny again, time for more sleep...
Tuesday 11:02 pm
I just had a really nerdy thought. When Xander is finally born, I'd collect half a dozen NMEA strings from my gps to record the exact time and place it happened. About as nerdy as it's possible to get, but maybe a little cool, too . . .
I doubt it'd be practical, though. Unless there was an app to handle it . . .
Tuesday 10:27 pm
Sandra just got drugged. She seems to be enjoying it . . .
She just got her first actual exam, and it showed that she's making some progress, but not much - her cervix isn't yet fully effaced, but it's getting there. The fact that she's been at it for 16 hours now is a little problematic, though.
Because she's still got a way to go before she's in full labour they've given her some morphine and an anti-nausea drug, to make her sleep and not have a problem with pain (unless she does progress to full labour).
I'm staying here overnight (though I'll have to go home some time tomorrow to feed the animals), but for now I can be the dedicated husband ;-)
By the way, to any midwives reading this, please please PLEASE tell your patients what's going on. We had been waiting all day to know what was happening, and we only just got some information from the midwife who did the exam now. If someone had said hours ago that they had experience with how effective the TENS machine was, so they weren't just ignoring us because Sandra was coping with the pain well due to the TENS, we'd have had rather more realistic expectations. Well, I would have - dunno about my drugged-up love.
Anyway, things are on hold now for the night - more to come in the morning.
Tuesday - 10:28pm
I feel so much better now. My TENS machine kept shorting out and shocking me which made it incredibly unpleasant to use so they checked me for dialation and gave me things for sleep.
I have not dialated. :( I am effacing!
In the morning if I have not done anything spectacular I get pitocin. Hoorays.
They wanted to give me pain relief and sleeping tablets and against my normal "oh no, no pain relief if I'm not in heaps of pain" ideas, I decided to just trust my doctor's judgment. After all, this is the first baby I've had and probably the something thousandth one she's delivered. She's seasoned. ...like a spicy little ninja.
...oooh...now I want Taco Bell again.
So she recommended....morphine. I got it in a painful injection that felt a little like Chuck Norris being injected into my arm and kicking my ass from the inside. ...but now everything is fantastic and floaty and blurry. ...and it's not even fully kicked in yet. Simon said that I had to post because I am apparently being ridiculous even though I do not think that I am being ridiculous.
Maybe I'm just wounding his tender boy sensibilities. And now I shall put on that episode of True Blood adn doze off a few minutes in. Simon will take over from here.
I have not dialated. :( I am effacing!
In the morning if I have not done anything spectacular I get pitocin. Hoorays.
They wanted to give me pain relief and sleeping tablets and against my normal "oh no, no pain relief if I'm not in heaps of pain" ideas, I decided to just trust my doctor's judgment. After all, this is the first baby I've had and probably the something thousandth one she's delivered. She's seasoned. ...like a spicy little ninja.
...oooh...now I want Taco Bell again.
So she recommended....morphine. I got it in a painful injection that felt a little like Chuck Norris being injected into my arm and kicking my ass from the inside. ...but now everything is fantastic and floaty and blurry. ...and it's not even fully kicked in yet. Simon said that I had to post because I am apparently being ridiculous even though I do not think that I am being ridiculous.
Maybe I'm just wounding his tender boy sensibilities. And now I shall put on that episode of True Blood adn doze off a few minutes in. Simon will take over from here.
Tuesday - 8:21pm
I'd love to say that the pain is definitely getting worse but all I can say for certain is that on a scale of plotted points...there's a definite upward trend of pain...does that make sense? ...also, I'm getting sick of changing underwear...
Tuesday - 7:41pm
They're back. They didn't actually stop for more than a few minutes and returned rather gloriously. However, NOTHING ELSE IS HAPPENING. I have contractions and boy, they hurt, but that's about it. So far, looking like I'm going to be here for....ever. Awesome.
Tuesday 6:01 pm
Well yey . . .
Sandra snoozed for a while, and then when she woke up . . . no more contractions!
We're waiting a little bit to see if this is just a delay or something, but if not it could be interesting . . .
Sandra snoozed for a while, and then when she woke up . . . no more contractions!
We're waiting a little bit to see if this is just a delay or something, but if not it could be interesting . . .
Monday, August 23, 2010
Tuesday - 4:57pm
Back up in the delivery ward, where the rooms are bigger and the staff are much nicer (so far, at least). Sandra's wound up the TENS machine to 8 (it goes to 18), and it's still making things quite bearable, so it looks like things are working out okay at the moment.
No idea how far things have progressed, since they haven't done any detailed examination since we first got here, but the fact that the contractions are so much closer together makes me optimistic . . .
No idea how far things have progressed, since they haven't done any detailed examination since we first got here, but the fact that the contractions are so much closer together makes me optimistic . . .
Tuesday - 3:45 pm
I was all set to post a rant about people's views on the pain a woman in labour should experience, but I deleted it because Sandra decided to go back to using the TENS machine . . . She's having a hot shower now to see if that helps much, and then we're going to set up the TENS.
We're also being moved up to the delivery ward again, thankfully. Thankfully, because the contractions suddenly started coming much closer together - two minutes, and lasting a minute to a minute thirty. Definitely a good time to go back to doing something about the pain . . .
We're also being moved up to the delivery ward again, thankfully. Thankfully, because the contractions suddenly started coming much closer together - two minutes, and lasting a minute to a minute thirty. Definitely a good time to go back to doing something about the pain . . .
Tuesday 3:14 pm
I know this is bad and all, but I have relatively little sympathy for Sandra's pain when she insists on not using the TENS machine.
Tuesday - 2:58pm
I switched off the TENS because I felt like my contractions weren't being taken seriously by the midwives. Apparently if you can talk during a contraction, it's not a real one. ...so I turned off the TENS and can now not talk during them but can quite happily vomit and sweat. Awesome.
Currently about 3 minutes apart and about a minute long.
Dialation? No one's checked..
Currently about 3 minutes apart and about a minute long.
Dialation? No one's checked..
Tuesday 1:29 pm
So Sandra's leaving the TENS machine of for a little while to time the contractions - she can't time them properly with it on. She just had a contraction, and she was doing the whole breathing thing (in quickly, out slower through pursed lips) and so on, and it was obviously much more painful. It wasn't the cheapest thing we've ever bought, but it was obviously a pretty good investment . . .
Tuesday - 12:59pm
Excellent. Have been told that I am not allowed to use the toilet without a special wheelchair type chair in case my fat ass breaks it. Very insulting - have never broken a toilet beore. Nor a chair (even a flimsy one), nor a bed (of which I also need a very speshul one, apparently). I have somehow managed to use my plain old flimsy toilet and bed at home without snapping anything - and my bed at home is made of pine...not steel.
Tuesday - 12:18pm
...has it really been nearly 6 hours already? Really?!
Part of me feels like this means that things are going to go very slowly, but I know that labour can change gears pretty quickly. Still struggling for that nap that I'm pretty sure I'm never going to manage. People won't leave me alone long enough to let me sleep - but at least the oxycodone seems to be wearing off so I'm coming out of the fog.
Oh! Oh! Ready for the funny part? They moved me here because on the scales at the other hospital, my BMI was too high for that hospital. When they weighed me here, I weighed 4kg (nearly 10lbs) less than before. I'm sure that some of it is fluid but I'm sure that a large portion is just different scales.
Going to try and nap again. Will probably fail again.
Part of me feels like this means that things are going to go very slowly, but I know that labour can change gears pretty quickly. Still struggling for that nap that I'm pretty sure I'm never going to manage. People won't leave me alone long enough to let me sleep - but at least the oxycodone seems to be wearing off so I'm coming out of the fog.
Oh! Oh! Ready for the funny part? They moved me here because on the scales at the other hospital, my BMI was too high for that hospital. When they weighed me here, I weighed 4kg (nearly 10lbs) less than before. I'm sure that some of it is fluid but I'm sure that a large portion is just different scales.
Going to try and nap again. Will probably fail again.
Tuesday, 11:26 am
So Sandra's snoozing for a bit - yeah, she should be walking around and so forth, but she's pretty damn exhausted and I figure a bit of sleep now while she /can/ is probably reasonable. Being too tired to do anything later on seems like a bad idea, anyway.
So far it's been an interesting 24 hours, what with the whole stressed Sandra thing last night, and then waters breaking at 6:30 in the morning and everything following that. For my part it's been a lot less stressed than it's been for Sandra - in fact, I've been almost relaxed about everything, rather than freaking out like the stereotypical dad-to-be. I imagine once Sandra's screaming in pain and so on I'll be a lot less relaxed, but I'm enjoying it while I can.
The most annoying thing so far this morning is the parking, or lack thereof - the hospital is getting a fair bit of building work done, and there's almost literally no parking. The closest I could find to reasonable parking was probably a ten minute walk away, well outside the hospital grounds. I've had to park in one of the short term bays for the moment so I could bring the last of Sandra's stuff up, and I'll have to go make the long trek from wherever I can find a spot in a bit . . .
Not what I thought the big day would be like.
So far it's been an interesting 24 hours, what with the whole stressed Sandra thing last night, and then waters breaking at 6:30 in the morning and everything following that. For my part it's been a lot less stressed than it's been for Sandra - in fact, I've been almost relaxed about everything, rather than freaking out like the stereotypical dad-to-be. I imagine once Sandra's screaming in pain and so on I'll be a lot less relaxed, but I'm enjoying it while I can.
The most annoying thing so far this morning is the parking, or lack thereof - the hospital is getting a fair bit of building work done, and there's almost literally no parking. The closest I could find to reasonable parking was probably a ten minute walk away, well outside the hospital grounds. I've had to park in one of the short term bays for the moment so I could bring the last of Sandra's stuff up, and I'll have to go make the long trek from wherever I can find a spot in a bit . . .
Not what I thought the big day would be like.
Tuesday - 10:23am
Fear not, I'm still here. I got turfed to another hospital's delivery suite and then turfed to their antenatal ward because I apparently don't count as being "in labour" at the moment.
I am apparently mistaken in thinking that water breaking + contractions = labour.
Apparently labour starts when you're in so much pain that you're vomiting. Kay... Anyway, contractions are bearable with the TENS. I'm contemplating a shower or a nap or both... People are trying to encourage me to walk around, 'Walk around! Get the baby engaged!' but walking around is about THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE thing in the world right now. Even if it didn't hurt my pelvis because of my SPD, it makes more amniotic fluid leak which feels gross and makes my lower back hurt. I WILL walk around...but right now I just want to nap and get some sleep while I can.
Update - 10:32am
To Hell with it, I'm taking a nap, they can get stuffed. Simon will take over blogging while I sleep....
I am apparently mistaken in thinking that water breaking + contractions = labour.
Apparently labour starts when you're in so much pain that you're vomiting. Kay... Anyway, contractions are bearable with the TENS. I'm contemplating a shower or a nap or both... People are trying to encourage me to walk around, 'Walk around! Get the baby engaged!' but walking around is about THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE thing in the world right now. Even if it didn't hurt my pelvis because of my SPD, it makes more amniotic fluid leak which feels gross and makes my lower back hurt. I WILL walk around...but right now I just want to nap and get some sleep while I can.
Update - 10:32am
To Hell with it, I'm taking a nap, they can get stuffed. Simon will take over blogging while I sleep....
Tuesday - 7:39am
Wow time is passing fast...
Contractions 5 minutes apart, 1 minute long.
So...I'm too fat to deliver at this hospital...that's right. Too fat. My BMI is high because of the water I'm retaining because of the high BP. Isn't that swell? Oh well. ...I honestly don't give two craps...I'm too tired and shaky to care and it does mean that Ayesha will be able to use my birth in her studies which is awesome.
It also means that if I have a caesarean, he can stay with me in recovery which is great.
Simon's not here yet but he must VERY nearly be. When he gets here we'll be leaving so all will be quiet for a while.
Contractions 5 minutes apart, 1 minute long.
So...I'm too fat to deliver at this hospital...that's right. Too fat. My BMI is high because of the water I'm retaining because of the high BP. Isn't that swell? Oh well. ...I honestly don't give two craps...I'm too tired and shaky to care and it does mean that Ayesha will be able to use my birth in her studies which is awesome.
It also means that if I have a caesarean, he can stay with me in recovery which is great.
Simon's not here yet but he must VERY nearly be. When he gets here we'll be leaving so all will be quiet for a while.
OOOOoooooerrrr... Tuesday - 6:50am
Um...either I just had the most glorious involuntary pee or um....
My water just broke.
Seriously though. GROSSEST feeling ever....I am SATURATED and it just keeps coming and coming and coming and coming in WAVES and I feel like someone kicked me in the lower back. Excellent. Now it really IS go time...
Called Bonnie (who woke Simon's sleeping ass up) (sorry Bonnie) and Simon is on his way over, as is the glorious Ayeshamidwife.
And there's another gush. Mmmm. I feel so pretty....
7:00am - Oh god, it just keeps coming... ...seriously...why did they bother having me put on more underwear and why does this stuff smell so bad? ...and why am I in a dress? (bitches, this is what happens when you drug the pregnant lady) ...and oh god, why does my back hurt so bad now?
...also, I'm hungry and shaking.
My water just broke.
Seriously though. GROSSEST feeling ever....I am SATURATED and it just keeps coming and coming and coming and coming in WAVES and I feel like someone kicked me in the lower back. Excellent. Now it really IS go time...
Called Bonnie (who woke Simon's sleeping ass up) (sorry Bonnie) and Simon is on his way over, as is the glorious Ayeshamidwife.
And there's another gush. Mmmm. I feel so pretty....
7:00am - Oh god, it just keeps coming... ...seriously...why did they bother having me put on more underwear and why does this stuff smell so bad? ...and why am I in a dress? (bitches, this is what happens when you drug the pregnant lady) ...and oh god, why does my back hurt so bad now?
...also, I'm hungry and shaking.
Tuesday - 1:05am
Dear midwives,
I know I'm pissing you off with my whinging when I tell you I have a headache and you give me oxycodone for it (using a name I didn't recognize) so it will also lightly sedate me. ...on the plus side, my headache is gone...however, this was an eeeeeeeeensy bit of overkill.
All dizzy now and slurring her words,
- Sandra
I know I'm pissing you off with my whinging when I tell you I have a headache and you give me oxycodone for it (using a name I didn't recognize) so it will also lightly sedate me. ...on the plus side, my headache is gone...however, this was an eeeeeeeeensy bit of overkill.
All dizzy now and slurring her words,
- Sandra
Tuesday - 12:36am
(Simon is staying with friends but wanted to post an update so he's texting this to me and I'm posting it for him.)
Feeling like crap due to a nasty cold, and desperately hoping that the baby doesn't decide to come while I'm sick.
...Well, shit - now there's all this talk about induction and shit tomorrow. Lovely - new baby /and/ a cold, jist what the doctor ordered.
And on top of that a wife who's going nuts after being told she's got to stay on hospital at least one night without me . . .
Oh what a lovely start to all this...
(Stressed husband is stressed.)
Feeling like crap due to a nasty cold, and desperately hoping that the baby doesn't decide to come while I'm sick.
...Well, shit - now there's all this talk about induction and shit tomorrow. Lovely - new baby /and/ a cold, jist what the doctor ordered.
And on top of that a wife who's going nuts after being told she's got to stay on hospital at least one night without me . . .
Oh what a lovely start to all this...
(Stressed husband is stressed.)
Tuesday - 12:21am
Having a pretty awful day so far. While I knew that it was policy that husbands aren't allowed to stay here with their wives (the policy stands for the ENTIRE STAY but is usually dropped after the woman's given birth), I thought perhaps that a concession might be made when my mental state was taken into consideration.
On top of everything else, I forgot to take my second antidepressant until it was FAR too late and it hadn't kicked in yet when everything happened.
For those who aren't aware, I'm introverted. Sure, I'm social and I can be all wacky and inappropriate and ha, ha, ha...but I need my space. In fact, I need a private little cave in which I can hide from everyone/thing except my husband. My husband is the only person who is always welcome in my space. If I cannot be in my space or my space is somehow invaded, I lose it. I become EXTREMELY stressed and depressed very, very quickly. If I cannot be in my space and Simon is with me...I'll be okay. He can keep me grounded. If I cannot be in my space and am also kept separate from him, I will be a wreck. A sobbing for days wreck. The antidepressants help calm that slightly. ...they'll keep me from actively freaking out much of the time - but it still leaves me incredibly tense.
So I spent about...4 or 5 hours today crying my eyes out because they not only told me that my husband would not be allowed to stay with me, they went so far as to actively mock me for wanting him to stay with me and then to tell HIM that my "stress doesn't matter, it's policy".
It just seems, I don't know...counterproductive to admit a woman for high blood pressure so she can rest and keep it lower...and then make her approximately 3,000 times more stressed than she was before.
Meanwhile, Simon is staying with Antti and Bonnie who are nice enough to put up with our crap - especially considering that Simon is ill and Bonnie is pregnant too (24 weeks, WOOHOO!).
So I am going to start up Half Life 2 and blow up some aliens to get out my aggression on the midwives...also, I'm going to eat all of their sandwichess. Delicious revenge.
On top of everything else, I forgot to take my second antidepressant until it was FAR too late and it hadn't kicked in yet when everything happened.
For those who aren't aware, I'm introverted. Sure, I'm social and I can be all wacky and inappropriate and ha, ha, ha...but I need my space. In fact, I need a private little cave in which I can hide from everyone/thing except my husband. My husband is the only person who is always welcome in my space. If I cannot be in my space or my space is somehow invaded, I lose it. I become EXTREMELY stressed and depressed very, very quickly. If I cannot be in my space and Simon is with me...I'll be okay. He can keep me grounded. If I cannot be in my space and am also kept separate from him, I will be a wreck. A sobbing for days wreck. The antidepressants help calm that slightly. ...they'll keep me from actively freaking out much of the time - but it still leaves me incredibly tense.
So I spent about...4 or 5 hours today crying my eyes out because they not only told me that my husband would not be allowed to stay with me, they went so far as to actively mock me for wanting him to stay with me and then to tell HIM that my "stress doesn't matter, it's policy".
It just seems, I don't know...counterproductive to admit a woman for high blood pressure so she can rest and keep it lower...and then make her approximately 3,000 times more stressed than she was before.
Meanwhile, Simon is staying with Antti and Bonnie who are nice enough to put up with our crap - especially considering that Simon is ill and Bonnie is pregnant too (24 weeks, WOOHOO!).
So I am going to start up Half Life 2 and blow up some aliens to get out my aggression on the midwives...also, I'm going to eat all of their sandwichess. Delicious revenge.
Monday - 6:24pm
Looks like I'm not leaving the hospital without a baby - though I'm not being induced right now. Apparently, the plan was to induce me on Friday anyway if I hadn't gone on my own so for the moment, the question is if we're going to just keep me here until Friday and follow through with that plan or if we'll move things up a little since I'm in hospital now. Until something is decided... My blood pressure gets checked every 4 hours.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Monday - 1:25pm
Looks like it might happen today. I went in for my blood pressure check and my BP was 142/100 (normal for me is 105/65). A little amusing, actually, because I'm feeling extremely zen today. I'm headachey and exhausted but this afternoon I am a very placid Sandra.
They're asking my doctor what she wants to do with me but it's suspected that she'll want to induce me soonish (today at some point). Fine by me. Simon and I are just having a bite of lunch and enjoying our last afternoon of absolute freedom, silence and lack of parental responsibility. More updates to come!
They're asking my doctor what she wants to do with me but it's suspected that she'll want to induce me soonish (today at some point). Fine by me. Simon and I are just having a bite of lunch and enjoying our last afternoon of absolute freedom, silence and lack of parental responsibility. More updates to come!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Still pregnant - but the end is in sight!
Okay so...so far I'm still pregnant but it looks like I might get to be induced in the next few days assuming my body is prepared for the experience. They'll check me to make sure that I'm dialated or something and if my body is getting ready in that way, I might be able to get an induction. The reason I'm pushing so hard for it is that I have fairly severe Pelvic Girdle Pain which is making it extremely hard for me to move around, especially in these last few weeks. As it can be debilitating even after you give birth, I'm trying to spare my body as much rehabilitation time as possible, particularly considering that I'll be roughly 39 weeks pregnant by the time I'm induced - so it's not as if he'll be early.
Even if my body's not preparing though, the midwife at my doctor's office suggested that my doctor wouldn't let me go past my due date (in 9 days) which is a big relief. At least there's a set time when this will all be over and I can move on... I'm starting to feel like I have an imaginary friend who no one but me can see... well...you know, feel.
Even if my body's not preparing though, the midwife at my doctor's office suggested that my doctor wouldn't let me go past my due date (in 9 days) which is a big relief. At least there's a set time when this will all be over and I can move on... I'm starting to feel like I have an imaginary friend who no one but me can see... well...you know, feel.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Labour Blog Creation
Hey everyone. If you're viewing this, you were probably told that I'm in labour (or think I am). Simon and I are intending to do live blogging during the labour so we can keep all of you who can't be here informed while our son is born! When I go into labour the updates will begin and a link will be posted on various websites (Livejournal, Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, Babyfit and so on) as well as emailed to relevant people who use none of these.
Posts by me will be in red.
Posts by Simon will be in blue.
Posts by me will be in red.
Posts by Simon will be in blue.
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