A Small Warning

While Simon and I are doing this to keep our friends/family/acquaintences in the know and so that we can remember the experience - we know that a great many people forget the insane emotions that go through them at a time like this. They remember joy, nervousness and excitement but tend to forget things like annoyance, anger and exhaustion. This is also a little bit of an experiment for us as well as (hopefully) a bit of reality for someone else out there who wants a bit of a real play-by-play of the emotional rollercoaster of childbirth and parenting. ...granted, I know that my experience is only one...but hey...still worth trying.

That said, not all of this blog is going to be happy and shiny. There will be some real, raw emotions here and we're going to express them pretty openly. We hope that this doesn't make anyone feel as if we're in any way unhappy about the birth of our son or that we're somehow not excited or don't love him. For us, this is the reality of things that people don't really talk about or express. I think that is extremely important to remember.

We may use foul language. ...you're warned.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wednesday 8:06 am

So Sandra's being induced now - they've put in the iv line, and they're nearly ready to start running cyntocin through it. We had the tiniest of breakfasts (a bowl of cereal for Sandra and a couple of slices of cold dry white toast for me - they didn't have any butter, let alone vegemite, the bastards),  some coffee, and now Sandra's gone nil-by-mouth . . .

She's changed her mind about the pain relief stuff - she's gone from wanting an epidural as a last resort to probably having one not too long after she hits 3cm dilation . . . Which is fine, but I'm a little uncomfortable with it, since the epidural is a fairly big thing . . . Also, very expensive! (yes, I know that's a bad thing to be thinking about at a time like this, but it's hard not to when you know it'll cost $1500)

Anyway, they're giving her iv antibiotics (using a nifteh spring loaded syringe) and once that's done the cyntocin.

Susie just showed up. Sandra likes to call her a tiny little ninja - I love that description.

She seems quite happy with everything, and reckons we could wait another 24 hours before inducing, but she figured Sandra would be too impatient for that . . . In any case, the whole thing seems to be going well.

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